Empower yourself with tools to care more deeply for the life you live.

Always drawn to the healing arts, Bobbie sensed from a young age the power of movement, a meal prepared with love, heartfelt talks and body work. These timeless elements that draw us towards a sense of interconnectedness and deep, innate wisdom. She shares her lived-in, daily practices with a desire to assist others in cultivating their own, unique formula for knowing.




Classes, Trainings & Private Study


Group & Private Classes

Thread Program

Wellness Coaching &Advocacy for people experiencing Cancer




“Bobbie’s combination of expertise, creativity, and genuine concern for her students is a rarity. Practicing yoga under Bobbie’s tutelage for many years has consistently elevated my physical and spiritual practice. Whether Bobbie is teaching vinyasa or yin yoga, her students seem to thrive and challenge themselves. Her warm and attentive presence is contagious, her classes immersive, playful, and transformative for students from all walks of life. I am truly grateful for her deep knowledge, as well as her sense of humor, enthusiasm, and consistently lovely nature.”

— Jennifer C.

“Having Bobbie as a teacher has made a huge impact on my life. Bobbie is without a doubt an expert in movement. In her classes she communicates her impressive expertise in a vivid and poetic way that never fails to guide me into a deep experience. Whenever I take class with Bobbie, I know I will be challenged by her thoughtful sequencing, inspired by her philosophical teachings, and soothed by her sweet, genuine presence. I am especially grateful to have been mentored by Bobbie in Prema’s mentorship program for yoga teachers. Bobbie helped me take my teaching to the next level with deeper understanding of asana, sequencing, and philosophy. Having Bobbie in my life as a mentor has undoubtedly played a significant role in the success of my career.”

— Emily S.


Bobbie is my yoga+ teacher. She’s “yoga+” because what she does is so much more than yoga instruction. She is astute in observing and never fails to ask about the variety of ailments that periodically impede my ability to move free of pain. She’s a perceptive, warm and funny guide, showing me how to increase my strength and flexibility and allowing me to go through my day with less pain and more freedom of movement. She tailors every lesson to me, noticing whether I’m full of energy, or didn’t get enough sleep, or am moving more or less well. Her background as a dancer has trained her eye to see what I wouldn’t notice about myself, and to understand both the potential and the limits of what a body can do. That is coupled with a deep interest in anatomy and a profoundly caring and personal style that is rare indeed.

— Erika N.

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